RhinoChem 2170 is designed for aggressive chemical environments and total submersion applications.
Rhino Chem 2170 is a two-component, 100% solids, rapid curing elastomeric lining displaying excellent chemical and immersion characteristics. RhinoChem 2170 is highly cross-linked resulting in a membrane liner that is extremely dense providing superior protection against chemical attack.
- Dense chemical structure imparts high impermeability
- Excellent corrosion resistance
- Excellent chemical resistance
- Durable protective lining with excellent chemical resistance for applications such as:
- Primary and secondary chemical and water containment.
- Chemical processing equipment, tank linings and wet wells.
- Water and wastewater applications.
- Immersion applications in ambient and elevated temperatures.
- Spray-on application creates a monolithic, seamless lining, which conforms to any shape or size.
- Applications requiring fast turnaround times and extended life cycles.
- Stable from –40 °C to 100 °C.
If your project requires a seamless, impermeable chemical resistant lining that can be applied rapidly and cures instantly then talk to our technical department about Rhino Chem 2170.
Download RhinoChem 2170 Datasheet:
RhinoChem 2170 DataSheet
Rhino Chem 2170 chemical resistance chart